Friday, December 19, 2008

A tamil movie like no other

I recently watched this tamil movie which truly made me proud to be Indian. It's not that the tamil movies before this are terrible or something, it just wasn't my taste. I mean, all the loud screaming, ridiculous and illogical fighting scenes, the 'punch dialogues', stereotyped storyline was really getting too much for me.
Just when I was beginning to lose all hope, Vaaranam Aayiram(thousand elephants) was released and what a breathe of fresh air it was. The director of the movie dedicated this movie for his late father. It is a story about a son who recalls and cherishes all the moments he had with his father who passes away due to throat cancer. The storyline might seem quite similar to many English movies but the way the movie was taken and the actor's capability was superb. You see, Indian movies are always put in such a way that you have a hero and of course a villain and the hero's beloved who only comes in to dance for songs.
In this movie however, so many issues were raised. The story starts with Major Surya( played by my favourite actor, Surya) who is informed that his father has passed away. Surya begins to recall the past in a series of flashback. From his joyful teenage years, his first love, death of his girlfriend, doing drugs and joining the army and how his dad and mom helped him cope throughout the situation. The movie also showed the negative effects of smoking and drunks which many tamil movies lack to potray nowadays.
It was something like a really good English movie but of course this one had the indian masala with songs and all. Surya was a real powerhouse in this movie and also not to forget all the other cast members. My sis and I both cried watching this movie. And apparent Shugi too cried and so many people I know(guys too but I won't be mentioning names)
Vaaranam Aayiram is a movie in whole new different league. Hopefully we will be able to see more of such movies. So, if you haven't seen this movie, please go watch it eventhough you're not Indian. i'll even get you the CD. It's an awesome movie

lonely phase

I haven't spent much time online during the holidays. Its not that I don't have internet access or something but I'm just not in the mood for it. I have hardly spoken to many of my school friends and some of them might be angry with me for that. I'm sorry people but I'm just going through a phase where I prefer to be alone and have no contact with many people. I have no idea why this is happening to me because I'm a people person, I love to talk and be around people. So, I'm just as puzzled as anyone else. You can even call it an 'emo' phase i guess. Don't worry though, I'm getting through that phase and this post is the proof! Not only that, I will be adding a few other post ASAP!